Reading List


  1. Stolen Focus, Johann Hari
  2. Attached, Amir Levine & Rachel Heller
  3. The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel
  4. The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy
  5. Make Your Bed, William H McRaven


  1. How to Not Die Alone, Logan Ury
  2. The Price We Pay, Marty Makary
  3. Atomic Habits, James Clear
  4. Hidden Valley Road, Robert Kolker
  5. Grit, Angela Duckworth
  6. Educated, Tara Westover
  7. Still Alice, Lisa Genova
  8. When Breath Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi
  9. Whistle Blower, Susan Fowler
  10. How Will You Measure Your Life, James Allworth et al.
  11. Tough Choices, Carly Fiorina
  12. Lost Connections, Johann Hari

2021 & Before

  1. Into Thin Air, Jon Krakauer et al.
  2. A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Burton G. Malkiel
  3. Getting More, Stuart Diamond
  4. Everyday Is A Gift, Tammy Duckworth
  5. Dare to Lead, Brene Brown
  6. Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert
  7. Cutting for Stone, Abraham Verghese
  8. Becoming, Michelle Obama
  9. The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
  10. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
  11. Mutants, Armand Marie Leroi
  12. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Mark Manson
  13. Everything Is F*cked, Mark Manson
  14. Born a Crime, Trevor Noah
  15. Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
  16. Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg
  17. The Moment of Lift, Melinda Gates
  18. My Not So Perfect Life, Sophie Kinsella
  19. Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert T. Kiyosaki
  20. The Pianist, Wladyslaw Szpilman