About Me

I am a 2nd year MS student in Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, where I work with Dr. Casey Overby Taylor. I am interested in levering data science to advance precision medicine.

Previously, I was an undergraduate student studying Electrical Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi (summa cum laude). I worked with Dr. Sohmyung Ha on developing implantable neural interfaces, Dr. Mohamad Eid on building models to predict acute myocardial infarction, and Dr. Farah Shamout on developing machine learning models to predict COVID complications.

Honors and Awards

  • First Prize of GapSummit Biotech Voices of Tomorrow startup competition (2022)
  • NYU Honors Scholar (2020)
  • Phi Beta Kappa Scholar (2020)
  • First Prize of Siemens Healthineers Innovation Think Tank (2019)
  • Gold Medal Prize of iGEM Synthetic Biology Competition (2018)